python_humble_utils package


python_humble_utils.classes module

python_humble_utils.classes.get_all_subclasses(cls: Type[CT_co], including_self: bool = False) → Collection[Type[CT_co]][source]

Get all subclasses.

  • cls – class to lookup subclasses of.
  • including_self – whether or not the the :param cls: itself is to be accounted for.

param cls:subclasses.

python_humble_utils.filesystem module

python_humble_utils.filesystem.create_or_update_file(file_path: str, file_content: str = '', file_content_encoding: str = 'utf-8') → None[source]

Create or update file.

  • file_path – path to the file.
  • file_content – file content.
  • file_content_encoding – file content encoding e.g. latin-1.
python_humble_utils.filesystem.generate_random_dir_path(root_dir_path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, subdir_count: int = 0, random_string_generator: Optional[Callable[[], str]] = None) → pathlib.Path[source]

Generate a random directory path.

  • root_dir_path – root dir path; by default, the current dir path is used
  • subdir_count – a number of subdirectories to generate in the directory root.
  • random_string_generator – random number generator; by default, the UUID4 hex is used

directory root path.

python_humble_utils.filesystem.read_file(file_path: str, as_single_line: bool = False) → str[source]

Read file content.

  • file_path – path to the file.
  • as_single_line – whether or not the file is to be read as a single line.

file content.

python_humble_utils.filesystem.yield_file_paths(dir_path: pathlib.Path, allowed_file_extensions: Collection[str], recursively: bool = False) → Iterable[pathlib.Path][source]

Yield file paths.

  • dir_path – path to the containing directory.
  • allowed_file_extensions – file extensions to match against e.g. [‘.abc’, ‘.def’].
  • recursively – whether or not the directory is to be recursively traversed.

file paths.

python_humble_utils.objects module

python_humble_utils.objects.flatten(obj: Any, flatten_dicts_by_values: bool = True, coerce: Optional[Callable[[T], M]] = None) → Iterable[M][source]

Flatten an arbitrarily complex object.

  • obj – an obj to flatten.
  • flatten_dicts_by_values – if True, mapping will be flattened by values, otherwise by keys.
  • coerce – a callable used to coerce items of the resulting iterable to

a recursively-constructed iterable of the object’s constituents.

python_humble_utils.objects.get_all_instances(cls: Type[T]) → Sequence[T][source]

Get all class instances.

python_humble_utils.strings module

python_humble_utils.strings.camel_or_pascal_case_to_snake_case(s: str) → str[source]

Convert camelCased or PascalCased string to snake_case.

Based on

Parameters:s – string in camelCase or PascalCase.
Returns:string in snake_case.
python_humble_utils.strings.camel_or_pascal_case_to_space_delimited(s: str) → str[source]

Convert camelCased or PascalCased string to space-delimited.

Based on

Parameters:s – string in camelCase or PascalCase.
Returns:space-delimited string.

Module contents