Source code for python_humble_utils.objects

import gc
from typing import TypeVar, Any, Optional, Callable, Iterable, Type, Sequence

T = TypeVar("T")
M = TypeVar("M")

[docs]def flatten( obj: Any, flatten_dicts_by_values: bool = True, coerce: Optional[Callable[[T], M]] = None ) -> Iterable[M]: """Flatten an arbitrarily complex object. :param obj: an obj to flatten. :param flatten_dicts_by_values: if True, mapping will be flattened by values, otherwise by keys. :param coerce: a callable used to coerce items of the resulting iterable to :return: a recursively-constructed iterable of the object's constituents. """ if isinstance(obj, dict): if flatten_dicts_by_values: items = obj.values() else: items = obj.keys() items = list(items) yield from flatten(items, flatten_dicts_by_values=flatten_dicts_by_values, coerce=coerce) elif isinstance(obj, list): for item in obj: yield from flatten(item, flatten_dicts_by_values=flatten_dicts_by_values, coerce=coerce) else: if coerce is not None: yield coerce(obj) else: yield obj
[docs]def get_all_instances(cls: Type[T]) -> Sequence[T]: """Get all class instances. :type cls: class whose instances need to be looked up. """ all_instances = [] all_objects = gc.get_objects() for obj in all_objects: if isinstance(obj, cls): all_instances.append(obj) return all_instances